by hydron_nrg | Dec 4, 2023 | Our Team
Head of Future Development Experienced Director with a demonstrated history of working in the energy industry and start up space. Strong professional skilled in Business Process, Negotiation, Gas, Petroleum, and Gas Turbines.Experienced Director with a demonstrated...
by hydron_nrg | Dec 4, 2023 | Our Team
Partner CEO of TRL Engineering Pty Ltd and TankrelineNZ Ltd Provides highly specialised and end to end solutions and services in consultation, construction and compliance with the aim to save petroleum industry clients time and money Experienced engineering and design...
by hydron_nrg | Dec 4, 2023 | Our Team
Founder Long history of clean renewable energy design, IP, manufacture and sales in Australia, Asia and Globally. Long history or working with governments in Australasia and ASEAN promoting sustainable cost effective environmental and clean energy solutions. Founder...